You have stated in your Statement, "From time immemorial, mankind has been struggling to get itself liberated from an invisible force within the psyche." I wonder. I think we have nothing to get liberated from. We simply have to watch everything, both within and without, effortlessly and the watching becomes a celebration of living.
Do you mean to say, that mankind isn't in search of any thing?
When the search ends, the celebration begins.
Has the search ended and celebration begun in you?
In knowing that I and my circumstances are perfect, was always perfect and will ever be perfect, my search has ended and I am celebrating. Only, I tend to doze-off during celebrations and the nightmare of imperfection returns. I need to keep awake at all times.
What do you do to keep awake ?
To see you have to be awake. The physical body necessarily needs sleep and therefore the question of seeing with the physical eyes all the time does not arise. This is also not what is meant. There is a greater seeing if we use what is undoubtedly every individual's greatest heritage as well as the greatest heritage of mankind itself. For some reason this heritage is somewhat taken for granted. Maybe it is inevitable because it is so much with us. The heritage I mean is language. Language has within it logic and it is this logic which enables us to see. Seeing, more than things, the connection between things. And when you see thus, you are actually having a 'darshan' of the isness of existence. When you thus have a darshan, you become the seer - Rishi. The whole exercise is simple and after a time becomes effortless - simply talk to your self, allowing one word to lead to another. I have coined my own word or a word in my own way to call this exercise of seeing and seeing non stop, that is, talking non stop – ‘continuum’. Continuum would be considered as ridiculous by many of the best minds, and probably by K himself, for all of them have talked about silencing the chattering in the mind. However, I believe that continuum would eventually lead to silence and only continuum can lead to silence. Otherwise, the mind would forever be trapped in the mode of fantasizing. My continuum is not yet perfect - I tend to doze off while at it, that is, I fantasize. Fantasizing will never lead to silence, only disillusionment.
More on this subject if you do not consider my mutterings
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